Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Invisalign - Not just for teenagers

Did you know that 75% of the adult population could benefit from having their teeth straightened? So many adults have crowding of their teeth which makes flossing difficult if not impossible, or large spaces between their teeth which makes for a great food trap.

We use to think that "braces" were only for kids. That is no longer the case. At Wheaton Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Beri helps patients correct years of crowding, spacing, and mis-alignment with Invisalign invisible braces.

The patient pictured here is a grandmother and has always wanted straighter teeth. The adult crowding of her lower teeth were becoming troublesome to floss, and Invisalign is proving a solution to her problems.

Teens, young adults, older adults and seniors - Invisalign could be an answer to your dental problems. At Wheaton Cosmetic Dentistry we help you achieve your goals for your mouth, your teeth, your gums and your smile.


  1. I agree that teeth straightening should be one our priorities. My grandfather regularly goes to his (Columbia, SC) dentist to have his teeth cleaned. He advised us to do the same since a lot of health problems are related with oral health. Researches show that some diseases are caused by bad oral hygiene. It would be best to visit a dentist (in Columbia SC and other parts of the country) to avoid major teeth problems.

    Invisalign looks like a good treatment, since the design is barely noticeable compared to the metal braces. Thanks for the information!

  2. Invisalign is one type of cosmetic dentistry. Chicago had been promoting this procedure for all ages. We all need to protect our teeth more in order to avoid diseases that link to bad oral hygiene. With this invasalign crowding teeth will be aligned that makes the teeth easier to clean and it also restores our dazzling smile!

  3. Even though they are now in adulthood, they still need to take care of their teeth by keeping them straight, clean and white. With the newest procedures available today, any person can get a smile that is worth a second look.

    Williams Schermer

  4. we all want to have a beautiful smile..when we achieve it we will have the smile we've always dreamed of and we would have the confidence to show it off..so better take good care of your teeth and have a monthly check up.

    cosmetic dentistry pittsburgh

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