Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fluoride - It's Not Just For Kids Anymore

One of the most devastating adult dental problems today is known as root cavities. ALL adults are susceptible to root cavities. So you ask, what are root cavities? The root of the tooth is the portion of the tooth that is covered with gum tissue, and as adults, our gum tissue recedes and more of the root is exposed. This exposed area of root is composed of softer material or cementum and is different than the hard enamel surface we normally see on our teeth. So as the aging process continues, and our gums receed further, more root surface is exposed and cavities can occur.

In this picture, you can see the hole in the upper part of the tooth near the gumline. The decay is being removed below the gumline.
One of the most respected dental researchers in the world says that once you get a cavity on the root surface, it is just the beginning of the end of your tooth. At Wheaton Cosmetic Dentistry, we will continue to clear out the decay and fill it, but the problem lies in the fact that the root surfaces are more than 700% softer than enamel.
The ONLY and best prevention for root cavities is fluoride. The best and most reliable fluoride delivery is immediately after your professional hygiene reservation. Our hygienists use fluoride varnish in our offices on adults and children.
Dr. Beri and his team at Wheaton Cosmetic Dentistry believe in all possible preventive measures to make your whole body healthy for your lifetime. Fluoride varnish as a preventive measure is just one of the many ways we help you keep your smile for a lifetime.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Quality Dental Plan for Affordable Dentistry in Wheaton

As the healthcare debate rages nationally, we have decided to do something tangible to hlep individuals and families afford quality dental care. Statistically, more than 60% of Americans don't have dental insurance and those that do have a limit on its value per year. The maximum for the majority of insurance plans is still $1000/year which is the same as it was in the 1970's. Don't you wish prices were the same today as they were in 1970?

A recent report by CBS News indicated dental decay as a contributing factor in many seemingly unrelated problems...including employment problems, heart disease and childhood school absences. The idea is to come to the dentist for preventive maintenance so the doctor can catch any changes in your health early on. Catching a cavity early on may prevent larger decay later which could lead to a root canal and crown which is more costly than a filling.

We have teamed up with a group of dentists nationally to provide free exams, free simple teeth cleanings, and 10, 20 or 30% off all our fees depending upon which membership program you choose. This program is called Quality Dental Plan and you can contact us at the office and we can answer all your questions.